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Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine Review

efficient and versatile coffee machine

As a coffee enthusiast, I'm always on the hunt for a coffee machine that can replicate the flavors and quality of a café at home. That's why I was thrilled to try out the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Espresso Machine.

This impressive machine promises a cafe-quality experience, with a 7-inch touch screen, 20 pre-programmed options, and customizable settings for temperature, milk foam, and coffee volume.

Join me as I dive into my experience with the Zulay Magia and see if it lives up to its promises.

Key Takeaways

  • The Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine offers a wide range of features, including a 7-inch touch screen, 20 pre-programmed coffee options, and customizable temperature and milk foam settings.
  • Users can enjoy cafe-quality coffee at home with the ability to make various types of coffee with just one press, including lattes, cappuccinos, and flat whites.
  • The machine is easy to clean and maintain, with an automatic flush feature and simple cleaning process.
  • While the machine has a sturdy construction, some customers have noted issues with the design, such as a small water tank and bean hopper, as well as wasted dry grounds inside the side door. Additionally, there have been mixed experiences with customer service and responsiveness.

Product Overview

I really like the product overview of the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine.

Especially its customizable features and user-friendly interface.

The customization options allow you to personalize your coffee experience to suit your preferences.

With the ability to create up to 10 personalized user profiles, each member of your household can have their own customized coffee setup. This is perfect for households with different taste preferences.

The user-friendly interface makes it easy to navigate through the various settings and select the desired options.

Whether you prefer a strong espresso or a creamy cappuccino, this machine has got you covered.

The Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine truly takes coffee customization to the next level, ensuring that every cup is tailored to your liking.

Detailed Features

The detailed features of the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine include:

  • 7-inch touch screen
  • 20 pre-programmed coffee options
  • Customizable temperature, milk foam, and coffee volume

With these customization options, each user can personalize their coffee experience to their liking.

The machine also offers:

  • 10 personalized user profiles
  • Convenient for households with different coffee preferences

Whether you prefer a:

  • Hot latte with extra foam
  • Strong and bold espresso shot

This machine has you covered.

The user-friendly interface on the touch screen makes it easy to navigate through the different options and adjust the settings.

It's great to have a coffee machine that caters to individual tastes and preferences.

Pros and Cons

I have been using the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Espresso Machine for a while now, and there are definitely pros and cons to consider.

On the positive side, the machine offers a wide range of customizable options, allowing me to create my ideal cup of coffee.

However, I've noticed that the water tank and bean hopper are on the smaller side, requiring more frequent refilling and manual intervention.

Overall, it's important to weigh the convenience and customization features against the potential drawbacks before making a decision.


Although there are some downsides in machine design, such as a small water tank and bean hopper, the overall satisfaction with coffee brewing and taste is positive.

The Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine offers a great coffee making experience with its customizable options and easy-to-use interface.

The cleaning process is simple and straightforward, with automatic flushing and cleaning alerts for internal components. Customer satisfaction is high, as users enjoy cafe-quality coffee at home and the ability to make multiple coffee types with one press.

Additionally, the machine's build quality is sturdy, despite its plastic appearance, and the removable and dishwasher safe parts make maintenance a breeze.

Overall, the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine delivers on its promise of a great coffee experience, leaving customers satisfied.


One con of the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine is the small water tank, but the overall satisfaction with coffee brewing and taste remains positive.

Despite this drawback, the machine offers a range of features that enhance the coffee making experience.

These include a durable automatic espresso machine with a grinder, a 7-inch touch screen with an easy-to-use interface, and 20 pre-programmed coffee options.

The machine also allows for customizable temperature, milk foam, and coffee volume, and has 10 personalized user profiles.

However, the small water tank may require frequent refilling, especially for larger drinks.

Additionally, some users have reported mixed experiences with customer support, while others have praised the quality of the coffee brewed by the machine.


How efficiently does the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine brew multiple types of coffee with just one press? When it comes to speed and time-saving, this machine delivers.

With its one-touch operation, I can easily brew a variety of coffee types in no time. Whether I'm in the mood for a latte, cappuccino, or flat white, this machine has got me covered. I can even customize the temperature, milk foam, and coffee volume to suit my preferences. This not only saves me time but also ensures that I get the perfect cup of coffee every time.

The convenience of brewing multiple types of coffee with just one press is truly impressive. Overall, the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine excels in efficiency, making my coffee brewing experience a breeze.

Final Thoughts

In my opinion, after considering all the features and customer feedback, the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine leaves a lasting impression.

The customer reviews for this machine have been mostly positive, with users praising its ease of use and ability to make cafe-quality coffee at home. The customizable temperature, milk foam, and coffee volume options allow for a personalized coffee experience.

Maintenance tips for this machine include frequent refilling of the water tank, as it may require more water for larger drinks, and regular cleaning to ensure optimal performance.

Although there have been some downsides in the machine's design, such as the small water tank and bean hopper, overall satisfaction with the coffee brewing and taste has been high.

However, some users have reported mixed experiences with customer service and responsiveness.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Often Should the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine Be Cleaned?

I clean the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine regularly to maintain its performance. To clean it effectively, I follow the manufacturer's instructions and use descaling solution for the water tank and run a cleaning cycle for the internal components.

Can the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine Make Hot Chocolate?

Yes, the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine does have a milk frother for making hot chocolate. Pros include convenience and versatility, but cons may include limited customization options for hot chocolate.

How Loud Is the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine While Brewing?

The Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine is surprisingly quiet while brewing. Pros include easy customization and cafe-quality coffee. Cons include a small water tank and bean hopper.

Is It Possible to Use Ground Coffee Instead of Whole Beans in the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine?

Yes, you can use ground coffee in the Zulay Magia. However, using whole beans offers benefits like fresher flavor and aroma. It's up to personal preference, but I find using whole beans enhances the coffee experience.

What Is the Warranty Period for the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine?

The warranty period for the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Machine is not mentioned in the current question. However, I can provide information about the cleaning frequency of the machine if needed.


In conclusion, the Zulay Magia Super Automatic Coffee Espresso Machine truly lives up to its promises of a cafe-quality coffee experience.

With its user-friendly interface, customizable options, and durable construction, it delivers outstanding results every time.

Its auto-clean feature and removable parts make maintenance a breeze.

This machine is like having a personal barista in the comfort of your own home, ensuring that every cup of coffee is a delightful and satisfying experience.

Ellie Patchen

Ellie Patchen

I love a good cup of coffee on Monday mornings for that pick-me-up, also love them in the afternoon, and on Tuesdays. In fact, it's fair to say that I love coffee all day everyday! So much so that I created a whole site to blog about it, answer questions and to just have a place for my frequent ramblings on the wonder that is.. coffee!

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