Why is a Coffee Mug the Worst Thing to Clean?
Coffee is a popular drink, and it can be found in just about any office. However, the coffee mug is always the worst thing to clean.
If you are looking for a quick and easy way to clean your coffee mug, this article is for you!
The first step to cleaning your coffee mug is rinse it out with some water. This will eliminate any leftover liquid that may be left in the cup. Next, please fill-up the mug with warm water and dish soap, then shake it up.

It’s important not to fill the cup too high with water because you want to make sure that there is enough room at the top so that when you shake it around, all of the soap gets inside of it. Finally, let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out.
The Dangers of Dirty Coffee Mugs
Do you know that dirty coffee mugs can be the reason for many bacteria in your kitchen?
Bacteria can grow on the surface of a dirty mug, and when you drink from it, these bacteria get into your body.
This is why it’s essential to clean off your coffee (even using lime) mug every time you use it.
If you don’t have enough time to clean up after yourself, try using a dishwasher.
Below are some tried and true methods for a coffee lover.
The easiest way to clean coffee mugs is in the dishwasher.
The easiest way to clean coffee mugs is in the dishwasher. It’s convenient, saves time, is safe for most materials, and is better for the environment.
You can even use your favorite mug as long as you don’t mind that some of its personality will be lost over time (but if you’re like me, that doesn’t matter!).
My mugs come out cleaner than if I washed them by hand since they’re not being scrubbed hard enough to damage the material.
Some stains can be temporarily covered up by brewing a strong pot of coffee and then pouring it out again.
If you have strong coffee in excess and your mug is heavily stained, brewing a pot of coffee and pouring it out again can temporarily cover up the coffee residue stain.
This trick works best with darker mugs, as light-colored stains are more challenging to get rid of. You can use any coffee maker for this trick; it may be easier to pour from a French press than from a drip machine because the grounds won’t be stirred up as much.
If you don’t have an abundance of dark roast on hand, consider making an extra-strong cup of joe by grinding beans for longer than usual or using more beans per cup than average.
You also want to make sure that there’s plenty of room at the bottom of your mug before adding water. Otherwise, there won’t be enough room for all those fresh-brewed grounds!
Use baking soda to fight stains.
Baking soda is a natural abrasive, and it will not scratch the surface of your mug.
This makes it an excellent choice for cleaning deep-down coffee stains, but you should avoid using them on glass mugs because they can damage them.

If you have drops of coffee that won’t come out with regular washing and rinsing, try making a baking soda paste and white vinegar (1 tsp. per cup).
Apply this paste to the mug with a cloth or sponge and let it sit for 10 minutes before scrubbing away any stubborn stains with another damp cloth or sponge. Rinse thoroughly!
For nasty stains, scrub with vinegar and baking soda.
If the insides of coffee mugs have stubborn stains, mix up baking soda and vinegar paste. Apply the paste to the stain color or sponge, then let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing with water.
Rinse thoroughly with soap and water (don’t forget to scrub the rim!), followed by another clean water rinse. Vinegar cleaning methods work well for deep cleaning.
Don’t use abrasive materials on stoneware (mugs made of stoneware tend to chip).
- Use a soft cloth or sponge.
- Don’t use steel wool or abrasive materials on stoneware (mugs made of stoneware tend to chip).
- Please don’t put them in the dishwasher.
- Don’t microwave them!
Coffee blackens your mugs, but you can make them white again with a little work.
Coffee is acidic, and coffee stains are the result of that. The good news is that they are also easy to remove!
- Use water: If your mug is still relatively new and not yet stained, you can use some hot water and a sponge or cloth to wipe away the stain.
- Baking soda: If the above doesn’t work, try using soda on your mug before washing it with dish soap in warm water. Baking soda is an effective cleaning agent. You can also add some vinegar once the baking soda has had time to work its magic (time will vary depending on how much coffee was spilled). Combining these two cleaners should make short work of any stubborn stains!
How To Keep Your Mugs From Getting Dirty Again
We are always told to keep our mugs clean and dry and not leave them in the sink. But what can we do if we have already left it in the sink?

Here are cleaning methods for when you have left your mug on the sink:
1. Get a clean cloth and wipe off any gunk that is stuck to the mug.
2. Take a paper towel, wet it with water, and scrub off any remaining gunk from the mug.
3. Fill your mug with soapy water and then shake it until all of the soap bubbles rise to the top of the water.
4. Rinse out your mug to remove all traces of soap bubbles or suds from inside, then set it in a dish rack