Can You Use Any Coffee For Cold Brew?
For those wanting to make a tasty cup of cold brew coffee, selecting the right blend is essential. When aiming for a sweet and creamy taste, a budget coffee blend might be a good choice but if you’re looking for more complexity in flavors, single-origin beans are recommended.
Using Arabica beans is widely considered the best choice when making a cold brew and usually, it’s suggested to go with medium or dark roast beans. Goldroast offers an aromatic and flavorful cold brew option with the added benefit of less acidity and higher caffeine content than other varieties.
What Types Of Coffee Should I Use For Cold Brew?
When it comes to making cold brews, the type of coffee that you use is very important. The short answer is that you should opt for a medium or dark roast. This is because these roasts tend to bring out nutty and chocolatey flavors in your cold brew, resulting in a rich and smooth flavor.
It’s also important to note that the size of the grind is just as important as the type of coffee bean you use. For cold brew, it’s best to opt for a coarse grind, as this will ensure an optimal extraction process – resulting in the perfect cup of cold brew!

Is It Necessary To Use Coarsely Ground Coffee?
When it comes to cold brew, is it necessary to use coarsely ground coffee? The answer is yes. Having the right grind will ensure your cold brew has its ideal flavor. The water needs to be able to easily penetrate the grounds and fully steep the grounds.
So that’s why using course ground beans is the best practice. If you don’t have a coffee grinder, you can purchase beans at a coffee shop or store and ask the barista to grind for a gold brew. If you are stuck with pre-ground coffee, you can still make cold brew; just experiment with small batches until you get a flavor that works for you.
Keep in mind that using finer ground coffee may result in dry clumps or an over-extraction of flavors which can lead to a bitter brew. So it’s safest to go with coarsely ground beans for your cold brew if possible.
What Is The Ideal Coffee Grounds-To-Water Ratio?
When making a cold brew cup of coffee, it is important to know what coffee grounds-to-water ratio is ideal. The answer to this question depends on whether you want a concentrate or drinkable straight from the jar.
If you are looking for a concentrate, then use a 1:4 ratio of coffee grounds to water. For something more drinkable and ready-to-enjoy straight from the jar, then use a 1:8 ratio of coffee grounds to water.

To illustrate this further, for a 32-ounce container of cold brew using 3 ounces by weight (1 cup dry) of ground coffee with 24 ounces of water for a 1:8 ratio; and 6 ounces of coffee with 24 ounces of water for a double strong batch at a 1:4 ratio.
A concentrate will be much stronger in flavor and caffeine content therefore it is advised to dilute the final product with cream, water, or milk.
How Should The Grounds Be Brewed?
For the best cup of cold brew, you should always ensure that you thoroughly steep the grounds. And to do that, you can use a number of different techniques.
One popular way is to first place your grounds into a cotton filter and then slowly pour water over them to wet them completely. Then allow the grounds to “bloom” for around 30 seconds. This will help to ensure that all the pockets of coffee are properly steeped.
Alternatively, if you don’t have a cold brew kit, you can simply put your grounds directly in a jar and pour water over it until fully wetted. Once finished, make sure to filter the mixture through a cotton filter before enjoying your delicious cold brew! For larger batches, a french press works great too.
Whichever method you choose, using freshly-ground beans and correctly steeping them ensures that all of their flavors will be released into your cup for an amazing cold brew experience.
How Long Should I Brew The Grounds?
When it comes to cold brew coffee, the length of time you should brew your grounds can be crucial if you want to get the best flavor. As a general rule, 10-12 hours is ideal for a 32-ounce container. If you’re making a larger batch, then 24 hours is recommended for a more balanced extraction.

The longer your coffee steeps, the better the extraction will be. However, over-extracted coffee can end up tasting bitter so keep this in mind as well. On days when it’s warmer and sunnier outside, you can also use these conditions (but bear in mind that this may affect the flavor profile since technically it won’t be cold brew anymore).
Ultimately, everyone has their own preference when it comes to how long they like to brew their cold brewed coffee. Our recommendations are a good starting point but feel free to play around with different times until you find what works best for your taste buds!
When Should I Start Adding Flavorings To My Brew?
When you make cold brew coffee, you can add in your favorite flavors either while brewing or after. It’s best to start experimenting with whole spices like a cinnamon stick added to the jar before you pour in the grounds and coffee sock. This will impart a subtly delicious flavor that complements the coffee’s natural chocolate notes.

You can also add flavored sugars or syrups to your cold brew after it’s brewed. Make sure to add some warm water to melt them down first, then mix or shake your beverage until everything is evenly combined.
Trying out different flavors, such as anise or vanilla bean, can be a fun way to make your cold-brew coffee more unique.
How Long Does Cold-Brewed Coffee Last?
When it comes to cold-brewed coffee, you may be wondering how long it lasts. The good news is that it has a really long shelf life! If you store your cold brew in the fridge, you can generally expect it to stay fresh and tasty for up to a week.
After that, while the coffee can still be consumed, the flavor might start to diminish. So if you don’t think you’ll be able to finish all of your cold brews within one week, consider using the leftovers in some cooking recipes such as cookies or cakes! This way you won’t have any wasted deliciousness.
Cold Brew Methods
When it comes to making cold brew coffee, there are two main methods: the drip method and the immersion method. Both have their own particular processes and vary in terms of brewing time, resulting in different flavor profiles. But regardless of which method you choose, there are certain steps you need to take in order to make the best cold-brew coffee possible.
First off, filtered cold water with ice cubes should be used rather than room temperature water. This will result in a smoother taste with less acidity so using low-acidic beans is important. If using the immersion method, you also need to coarsely grind your beans which will also help reduce acidity.
Whichever cold brew method you choose, following these tips and steps can help you get the smooth and flavorful cold brew concentrate that you’re after for maximum enjoyment.
Drip is a popular cold brewing process used by baristas in a coffee shops. It involves slowly dripping ice-cold water into ground coffee and then filtering it into a carafe. This process can take up to 12 hours, which can make it hard for just any coffee lover to do it within their own home.
For those looking to purchase a cold brew drip coffee maker, there are affordable sets sold on Amazon. Plus, there are also tiny footprint models that use a normal amount of ground beans instead of the huge glass towers you typically see at cafes.
The immersion method of cold brewing coffee is definitely the way to go when it comes to making a delicious, refreshing cup of iced coffee. It just involves steeping coarse-ground coffee beans in filtered water, usually for 12-24 hours, and voila.
The best part about the immersion method is that you don’t need any fancy equipment. All you need is a mason jar, filtered water, and your favorite coffee beans at a coarse grind – no more and no less.
A French press adds to the experience if you want an even great taste in your cup. And with the purchase of a French press, you can also make quality small-batch cold brew concentrate as well as create hot coffee too.
How To Make Cold Brew Coffee?

Making cold-brew coffee is easier than you think! All you need is a 1-quart wide-mouth mason jar, 1 ounce of coffee per cup of water, and enough water to fill your jar. This recipe will generate around 2 ½ cups of concentrate that can be used to make up to 5 cups of cold brew.
Cold brew coffee needs the right ingredients – 3 ounces (85 grams) of coarsely ground beans, or roughly ¾ cup of whole bean coffee which yields 1 ½ cups of ground coffee. After that, you’ll need 3 cups of clean and filtered water for optimal results.
Add the coffee and water to the 1-quart mason jar, give it a stir and let it sit for 5 minutes before stirring again to make sure the coffee grounds are exposed to more water. Afterward, put a lid on your container and refrigerate it for 12-18 hours.
When you’re ready to strain your cold brew, place a paper coffee filter or thin cloth napkin over a small fine-mesh sieve and then pour the concentrate into a measuring cup or pitcher. Let it rest for a few minutes so that all of the cold brews have had time to trickle down into the container.
To serve, fill half of a glass cup with ice and water, then top off with cold brew concentrate. Stir everything together and enjoy.